What’s better than a BFF that you can WOD with? Grab a partner for CFE's "Two Peas in a Pod" same gender partner competition!!
This is a 2-person same-gender partner competition open for all athletes.
Divisions include Male and Female - Scaled, RX, and 40+ RX and 40+Scaled. Join us on May 3, 2025 at 7:30 AM for this friendly and challenging partner competition.
Sign up via Competition Corner here: https://competitioncorner.net/events/12072
Cost: $185 per team* - T-Shirts for all who register by 4/12/25
EARLY BIRD - Save $20 now through 3/1/25.
3 WOD + a floater for all! Prizes for each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each division.
Keep an eye on our FB Event Page for Q&A and more info https://www.facebook.com/events/591141217170177
What’s better than a BFF that you can WOD with? Grab a partner for CFE's "Two Peas in a Pod" same gender partner competition!!
This is a 2-person same-gender partner competition open for all athletes. Divisions: Male and Female - Scaled, RX, and 40+ RX &40+Scaled.
Sign up via Competition Corner
3 WOD + a floater for all! Prizes for each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each division.
Mixed gender partner competition.
Are you the sugar or the spice? Grab a partner and find out at CFE’s “Sugar and Spice” co-ed team competition!
This is a co-ed 2-person team competition open for all athletes. RX, Scaled, Masters (40-49) RX and Scaled, and Masters (50+) RX & Scaled.
Register on Competition Corner.
CFE presents... our 1st Annual Gobbler Gauntlet! If you’re ready put your fitness to the test with your besties, come have some fun at this challenging competition.
🦃 3 Person TEAM Competition!
🦃 2 Female + 1 Male athlete...OR... 2 Male + 1 Female athlete.
🦃 This is a one day competition.
🦃 Prizes to Top 3 in each Division
🦃 Cost: $225 per Team
3 WODS & 1 Floater for all
8 Divisions:
2 Female & 1 Male - RX, Scaled, Average Age 40+ RX and Average Age 40+ Scaled
2 Male & 1 Female - RX, Scaled, Average Age 40+ RX and Average Age 40+ Scaled
*For the Average Age 40+ divisions the average age of all athletes must be over 40.
#1 - Athlete 1 is 48, Athlete 2 is 30 and Athlete 3 is 43- Average age is 40.5
#2 - Athlete 1 is 62, Athlete 2 is 25 and Athlete 3 is 37 - Average age is 41.5
Examples #1 and #2 can compete in Average Age 40+ Division
Ladies get ready! Grab your competition outfit, tightenyour ponytails and bring your strength to our LADIES ONLY competition!
This isan individual competition for female athletes. There are Scaled, RX,Teens(14-17), and Masters(40-54 and 55+) RX and Scaled Divisions. Join us forthis strong, inspiring, and empowering event on Saturday, January 25, 2024, where the crowd is always chill and the competition is smokin’ hot.
Cost:$79* - T-Shirts for all who register by xx/xx/xx
Prizes in each Division for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place! 3 WODS plus a Floater for all
Two Peas same gender partner competition.